At the time of going to press there have been no attacks on Kingston mosque in the wake of the horrific events in Woolwich recently. And we can only hope it stays that way.

Many readers will remember that three men were convicted and jailed last year for their part in an attack on the mosque during a march in November 2010, when sticks, bottles and rashers of bacon were thrown at the building. Something none of us want to see repeated.

When something happens that triggers anti-Islam views there are always two predictable reactions. The right – English Defence League (EDL), British National Party (BNP), et al – go on the march and spout their usual hatred; while the left trot out the same old line: “Well not all Muslims are like that. Our communities need to come together. Embrace, embrace, embrace.”

Well, I’m sorry, that’s not enough. We need more than empty words.

Anyone with half a brain knows not all followers of Islam hold the same views as the alleged Woolwich killers.

But a Muslim journalist writing in the Independent newspaper recently stated what most intelligent people have been thinking for a long time: Muslims, get your house in order.

Didn’t the writer Martin Amis say much the same thing a few years ago – and, predictably, was roundly criticised for saying it?

Mosques need to do more to root out extremists and those spouting extremist views. Will that happen? I doubt it. I’m a pessimist.

But if that does not happen, more people are going to become radicalised, and more people are going to get hurt and die.

And the only people speaking out will be the EDL and BNP. And no one wants that.